
   REVELTRONICS develops own designs of electronic devices. We are a Poland-based manufacturer of such devices as memory programmers, on-board computers and measuring devices. We have a design studio and cooperate with production companies in EU, thanks to which we are able to deliver to our customers high quality products at an affordable price. Our products are being developed and adapted to the needs of our customers on an on-going basis. We guarantee a full support for our designs, warranty and service.

Memory programmers, trip computers and measuement systems

Programming tools:

Revelprog IS - serial memory programmer (I2C, SPI, uWire and 1wire - EEPROM, FLASH, FRAM)

Adapters for SFP / QSFP / XFP / OSFP optical transceivers programming (coding boards)

Trip computers:

UTCOMP-PRO All-in-One Gauge - onboard computer for external sensors

RCOMP All-in-One Gauge - onboard computer for external sensors

Data-Logger for external sensors with Android app

Measurement systems:

EGT-K - Thermocouple Amplifier for K Type Thermocouples

Sensors for Measurement Devices - pressure transducers, temperature probes etc.

Retail sale - REVELTRONICS Store